Fadil Maloku
(Prof. Dr. Fadil Maloku, University of Prishtina, Kosovo)
1. The Russian-Ukrainian war that is currently happening, according to the majority of; military, geopolitical and especially socioeconomic indicators and parameters, apart from being an interesting specific media war (cause of hybridity), it is also a programmed war (which implies that it is imperative to start changing relations in international relations) and controlled that is exercised and influenced through information technology. In fact, this war started by authoritarian Russia, for most sociologists, political scientists and world-class economists, is the beginning of a great war between industrial capital and the already globalized one. So, if we use the sociological “language” of globalization, it seems that this is an exhausting struggle between; globalists (America, Canada, Europe, Australia, England) and anti-globalists (Russia, China, India and many other countries, including the countries of the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Africa and Latin America) that some highlight and identify as a prelude to a new war of global proportions. War, which is moving from a unipolar world order to a new tripolar or even multipolar world order. Today, the world is controlled, or better said, dominated by over 400 TNCs, who control over 80% of the total capital . To analyze the anti-globalist concept, it is necessary to make a social distinction about this discourse that in today’s circles is still forwarded and explored somehow with reservations. It is not about the dilemma of whether or not the notion of anti-globalization exists, because it is present today all over the world as a movement, but also as the antipode of globalism. The dilemma lies in clarifying whether Athua invented anti-globalization, that is, created globalism for certain purposes as a justification to further strengthen the process and discourse of globalism, or did it arise by itself as a result of global social, economic, political, ecological dissatisfaction , etc. of different layers of society who are dissatisfied with the global division of labor, as well as the creation of a high gap between the creators of globalization (or as Marx would say: “ruling class” and “ruled class”) such as IMF-ar , WTO, TNC (Transnational Company) etc. and the rest of the subsequent citizens of different countries around the world? It would be good to identify the genetic stratification of this new technological engineering that has now managed to create its own antipode that has its followers all over the world.
If we make a brief sociological description of these countries and states that are very allergic to the globalization process, we could identify a multitude of social layers. In essence, their social background and different interests probably do not speak so much when considering the degree of aversion and hatred they have towards the new globalization processes. So this is the motive that unites all these layers and categories of people from all over the world. You can also recruit them from the layer of peasants or farmers who see the arrival of large Transnational Companies (TNCs) as the main competitors of their business: you can also identify them from the corpus of human rights movements: proponents of environmental protection: then sympathizers of left-wing ideologies: as well as opponents of genetic technologies. World metropolises, such as Seattle, Prague, Geneva, Nice, Quebec, Barcelona, etc. today, both in the eyes of globalists and anti-globalists, they have become a phenomenon in themselves with the fact that they are promoting the discourse that until yesterday was little known in the international forums of globalism. Today there are also such thoughts which deny the movement or discourse called and identified as anti-globalism. In fact, such thoughts or discourses go so far that they are inclined to say that this process is a farce and a sick imagination. of the architects of world domination in the 21st century?! This prejudice takes as its basis the need to promote the globalization process as a new discourse to govern the whole world in the century we are entering.
3. On the other hand, there is another corpus of thinkers, political scientists, sociologists, etc. who think that the invention of anti-globalism is intended to hide the true purpose of globalism. According to them, there are two forms of globalism in the world today. One which is based on the neoliberal ideology (which is true) and implies real market competition that alludes to unstoppable profits and ignores the interests of workers and to ordinary people whom he treats only as consumers and nothing more. And the other form which is about their free determination with whom they wish to cooperate, trade, make business deals, etc. which, as we mentioned is identified with the discourse of anti-globalists. If we address the process of globalization as a process which as its own goal or imperative had the rearrangement of political, cultural and especially economic processes between different countries, regions and continents at the same time, accelerating, expanding and promoting them as processes that create the only exclusivity called profit (the main characteristic of neoliberalism), then it will to understand that there will always be different groups, movements and discourses that will challenge this global process with different means. In this regard, we would say that the terrorist acts that were used for such preventive purposes are not accidental. What I will emphasize in this case that this fight or this conflict between the so-called globalists and anti-globalists is of the new era, that is. that for some it represents a mere existential survival, while for the other group a dizzying prosperity and development. It is evident that the economic development trends of the beginning of our century have really managed to create such levels of material prosperity, that it aggravates the relations between people, countries, regions and different continents.

What I will emphasize in this case that this fight or this conflict between the so-called globalists and anti-globalists is of the new era, that is. that for some it represents a mere existential survival, while for the other group a dizzying prosperity and development. It is evident that the economic development trends of the beginning of our century have really managed to create such levels of material prosperity, that it aggravates the relations between people, countries, regions and different continents.