12 Mars 2025

Kosova – Lufta në Lajme/ Shtator 1998: Bombardime, 100.000 refugjatë shqiptarë në malin Qyqavica 

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foto: Rugova-Ogata dhe Ogata me refugjatet shqiptare ne Reznik, refugjatet me traktor. 

Nga Behlul Jashari, Prishtinë 

-Para çerek shekulli – 25 viteve, në shtator 1998, në Kosovë kishte nisur një ofensivë e madhe e forcave serbe…/  

PRISHTINË, 21 Shtator 2023/ Para çerek shekulli – 25 viteve, në shtator 1998, në Kosovë kishte nisur një ofensivë e madhe e forcave serbe, mëse 100.000 refugjatë shqiptarë nga Rrafshi i Kosovës e Drenica të ikur nga bombardimet në fshatrat e tyre ishin nën qiellin e hapur në malin Qyqavica në mes të këtyre rajoneve dhe edhe atje bombardoheshin…Atje kisha edhe shumë njerëz të familjes sime…dhe nuk dinin kah të shkojnë…Një natë vonë, përmes telefonit që vëllau Demë Jashari nga Zvicëra e kishte mundësuar dhe ua kisha dërguar, iu thash të shkojnë drejt fshatit Reznik të Vushtrrisë, ku do shkonte Komesarja e Lartë për Refugjatë e OKB, Sadako Ogata… 

Kam raportuar ditë me radhë për këtë situatë, këto ishin disa nga raportimet, duke nisur nga 22 shtatori 1998: 

Forhåndsvisning av bilde 

[13] Offensive of Serb forces in Rrafsh of Kosove and in Drenice 

PRISHTINE, Sept.22 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: Today in the morning a great number of Yugoslav military forces and Serb police and military units started a new broad offensive in the regions of Drenice and Rrafsh of Kosove and are hitting Albanian dwelling places round Mount Qyqavice. 

Fierce fighting is taking place 10 km northwest of Prishtine while Serb forces from Rrafsh of Kosove tempt to penetrate in Albanian villages at the foot of Qyqavice. In the region between village Prilluzh and village Gllavotin, where KLA forces are putting up resistance, fierce fighting is taking place. According to first reports from the field, two Serbs are killed and a tank has been ruined. 

Forhåndsvisning av bilde

According to Murat Musliu, activist of the Human Rights Council in Kosove who is following closely the fighting in Drenice, the village Prekaz, in outskirts of Skenderaj is being hit today in three directions: the Serb positions in the factory of Ammunition in Skenderaj, from Ternafc and Polac. 

Serb forces have also attacked villages Gllanaselli and Dobroshete and are trying to go into villages Qirez and Mount Qyqavice, in which thousands of refugees are sheltered. 

Serb paramilitaries and armed civilians are reportedly being mobilized in Rrafsh of Kosove. /p.ta/pas/xh/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

[10] Fighting round mountains of Cicavice continues 

PRISHTINE, Sept.23 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: Fierce fighting resumed early today in the region round the mountains of Cicavice, where nearly 100 000 Albanian refugees are sheltered, while the front of war is no farther than 10 km from Prishtine. 

Numerous war means and troops of the Yugoslav Army and Serb police and paramilitary troops that have encircled the regions of the Rrafsh of Kosove and Drenice, have restarted bombing the outskirts of Cicavice. At the same time, both the villages on the eastern and western parts of Cicavice mountains are also being hit. 

According to the Human Rights Council in Kosove, there are nearly 100 000 people, most of whom children, women and elderly people in the mountains of Cicavice. /pas/xh/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

[10] At least 15 Albanians killed, 60 injured and 40 villages burnt in Kosova 

PRISHTINE, Sept 24 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: 

At least 15 Albanian civilians have been killed and more than 60 injured. More than 20 villages have been burnt in Serb forces offensive in the suburbs of Qyqavica mountain, in Rrafshi i Kosoves and Drenice, over the last two days. 

There are no reports on the destiny of hundreds of Albanians abducted by the Serb forces, which continue to pursue refugees in mountains. 

The gravest situation prevails in the mountains of Qyqavice, where 100 000 Albanians, under the siege of the Serb forces, are on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. 

The Council for the Defence of Human Rights in Kosova today again called on the international organisations to help open a humanitarian corridor to save the lives of thousands refugees. /mima/lm/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

[11] Refugees in Mountains of Qyqavice try to escape encirclement of Serb forces 

PRISHTINE, Sept.25 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: More than 100 000 Albanian refugees in the mountains of Qyqavice are trying to escape the encirclement of Serb forces. Sources of the Human Rights Council in Kosove reported last night that a column of about 20 000 refugees left towards Prishtine but has been stopped by Serb forces. 

According to the sources of the Kosove Information Centre more than 30 000 refugees have descended the mountains of Qyqavice in the village Reznik of Vushtrri and are expected to continue the way to the cities of Vushtrri and Prishtine. A source from the spot said that Serb heavy artillery is hitting also in the vicinity of village Reznik, where there are a lot of refugees. 

According to reports so far, in the attacks over the last two days in the outskirts of Vushtrri, Serb forces have killed at least 7 Albanians and have wounded scores of others. In village Bivolak also a 6-month child has been killed and 8 members of an Albanian family have been wounded during the bombing. 

A mission of the International Red Cross was stopped yesterday by Serb forces in Vushtrri and was not allowed to go to assist the Albanian refugees in village Resnik. /p.ta/xh/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

Forhåndsvisning av bilde

[15] Rugova demands international protection to save people of Kosove 

PRISHTINE, Sept.25 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: President Rugova reiterated today in his news conference the appeal for international defence of Kosove and its people and for urgent halt of the Serb offensive and security for the return of nearly half a million displaced refugees to their homes. 

“We demand a greater commitment to save the people of Kosove, an international protection for Kosove, first of all from the U.S., the EU and NATO,” said Rugova. In this context, he hailed the approval of the Resolution of the Security Council and the fact that it is based on the 7th Chapter of the U.N. Charter. Rugova also greeted NATO’s readiness to protect the people of Kosove. 

The situation in Kosove, said Rugova, is very grave and dangerous, with a fierce terror by Serb forces, killings, massacres, bombing, destruction and burning in broad regions of the Rrafsh of Kosove, Drenice, Shale of Bajgore, Llap, Dukagjin, etc, where great ethnic cleansing is going on. The situation is worse for the displaced people who are surviving under the open sky, said Rugova. He reiterated the stand that the best solution is independence for Kosove with all guarantees for the Serbs and an international protectorate as a transitory stage. /p.ta/xh/  

[08] U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to visit Albania 

TIRANA, Sept 25 (ATA)-U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata is visiting Albania on September 28-29, 1998, the U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Tirana reports. 

Ogata‘s visit to Tirana is part of a tour of former Yugoslavia (Belgrade, Prishtine, Podgorice), during which she will observe the situation of the Kosova displaced people due to the conflict in Kosova. 

During her stay in Albania Ogata is scheduled to visit Shkoder and Tirana, where she will meet senior authorities of the country. /pas/lm/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

[13] Massive executions of Albanians in Qyqavice region 

PRISHTINE, Sept 26 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina, Belul Jashari, reports: 

Massive executions of Albanians have been carried out by the Serbian forces in the mountainous villages of Qyqavice, Galice and Dubofc in the commune of Vushtrice, while the inhabitants of the other village, Beliq, have been kidnapped and sent to unknown directions, the Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF), reported, referring to sources from the field. 

The CDHRF also stresses that it has no possibility to verify the reports due to the continuation of the fighting operations, but adds that the situation of some 100 000 refugees, who are in this region, is very grave and many wounded, who are among them, cannot be assisted with medical aid. /p.ta/mt/ 

Albanian Telegraphic Agency 

24] Kosova president declares Thursday mourning day 

PRISHTINE, Sept 30 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reported that President of Kosova Ibrahim Rugova declared Thursday, October 1, a mourning day to commemorate the Deliu family from Abria e Eperme, which had been massacred, and latest killings in Kosova during the offensive of the Serb military and police forces. /cela/  


Sadako Ogata takon refugjatet ne Kosove: 


Sadako Ogata takon Presidentin Rugova:  



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