24 Shkurt 2025

Turqia po e shfrytëzon fatkeqësinë natyrore për të kryer spastrim etnik

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“Mbas nje fatkeqsie gjithmone vijne hienat” thote nje proverb afrikan.
Mirepo edhe per shqiptaret kjo nuk eshte nje histori e panjohur. Me 26 korrik 1963, nje termet i fuqishem në shkallën 6.1 MM, goditi rende Shkupin, ate kohe me shumice etnike shqiptare. Termeti shkaktoi, 1.070 te vdekur, mbi 3,000 te lenduar. Ai shkaterroi 80% te qytetit duke lene më shumë se 200,000 njerëz të pastrehë. Se si e shfrytezuan serbomaqedonet kete fatkeqsi tashme kjo sot perben fakt te kryer: Shqiptaret nga nje popullate me shumice derrmuese ne Shkup u kthyen ne nje minoritet qe neperkembet lehte.
Interesant eshte fakti qe ne kete aksion nuk mungoi edhe “ndihma” turke; nje numer te konsiderueshem te shqiptareve te Shkupit i mori Turqia gjoja per ti “ndihmuar”. Shume prej tyre u degdisen ne qytete me shumice kurde. Qellimi kuptohet. Roli i klerikeve muslimane ne kete rast kuptohet. Jo me kot ne lexojme ne faqet e rrjetit se ne mesin e viktimave te termetit te tanishem jane edhe mbi 100 shqiptar. Ne fakt jane shume me teper, por askush nuk mund ta dije numrin e sakte pervec turqve. Edhe pse të parët tonë na kanë mësuar se: “I ligu ne dite te keqe te nxjerr dhe syte” ne vazhdojmë të harrojmë e budallepsemi.
Kurdet leshojne edhe nje here alarmin
Duket se Turqit dhe Sllavet e gadishullit Ilirik jo vetem kane bashkepunuar ngushte por edhe kane mesuar shume nga njeri-tjetri. Sigurisht qe ketu nuk eshte momenti te flasim per masakrat, zhvendosjet e popullates, kolonizimin e territoreve, konvertimin fetare te dhunshem, perdhunimet, luftimin e ideniteteve dhe gjuheve te popujve autoktone, ndryshimin e toponimeve, diskriminimi ekonomik etj. Ata kane shkembyer me sa duket edhe pervojen per shfrytezimin e katastrofave natyrale per te ndryshuar raportet etnike ne territoret e pushtuara. Kete e deshmon me fakte gazetarja Sasha Hofman duke iu referuar historise se shfrytezimit nga turqit te fatkeqsive natyrore te meparshme ne territoret kurde per te ndryshuar ekuilibrat etnike natyrore, ne artikullin “How Turkey Weaponizes Natural Disasters Against Kurds” (Si Turqia i shnderron ne arme kundra kurdeve fatkeqsite natyrore) te botuar me Feb 10, 2023 ne Në këtë artikull ajo gjithashtu jep te dhena te mjaftueshme se nje gje e tille po ndodh edhe aktualisht. Ne shume nga qytetet e prekura nga termeti katastrofik i fundit kurdet ose jane shumice ose perbejne nje pjese te madhe te popullates. Diskriminimi i tyre eshte qartesisht i dukshem keto dite. Kurdet jane te alarmuar dhe bejne thirrje qe ndihma nderkombetare te mos jepet nepermjet institucioneve pushtuese shteterore turke por drejtperdrejt.
Turkey is using the natural disaster to carry out ethnic cleansing
“After a disaster there are always hyenas,” says an African proverb.
Well, even for Albanians, this is not an unknown story. On July 26, 1963, a powerful earthquake measuring 6.1 MM hit Skopje, those times, with an ethnic Albanian majority. The earthquake caused 1,070 deaths, over 3,000 injured. It destroyed 80% of the city leaving over 200,000 people homeless. How the Serbo-Macedonians took advantage of this misfortune is now a “fait accompli”: Albanians from an overwhelming majority population in Skopje turned into a minority that can easily be surpassed.
It is interesting that Turkish “help” was not missing in this action; Turkey took a considerable number of Albanians from Skopje, supposedly to “help”. Many of them were sent to cities with Kurdish majority. The purpose was obvious. We know the role of Muslim clerics in this case too. This is one of the main reason that nowadays we read on the web pages that among the victims of the current earthquake there are over 100 Albanians. In fact, they are much more, but no one can know the exact number except the Turks. Even though our forefathers have taught us that: “The wicked on a bad day will take out your eyes,” we continue to forget and be stupid.
The Kurds sound the alarm once again
It seems that the Turks and the Slavs of the Illyrian peninsula not only cooperated closely, but also learned a lot from each other. Of course, this is not the time to talk about massacres, population displacements, colonization of territories, violent religious conversion, rapes, fighting over the identities and languages ​​of indigenous peoples, changing toponyms, economic discrimination, etc. They have apparently exchanged the experience of using natural disasters to change the ethnic relations in the occupied territories. The journalist Sasha Hofman proves this with facts, referring to the history of the use by the Turks of the previous natural disasters in the Kurdish territories to change the natural ethnic balances, in the article “How Turkey Weaponizes Natural Disasters Against Kurds” published on Feb 10, 2023 at In this article, she also gives enough data that such a thing is happening even now. In many of the cities affected by the last catastrophic earthquake, the Kurds are either the majority or make up a large part of the population. Their discrimination is clearly visible these days. The Kurds are alarmed and call for international aid not to be given through the occupying Turkish state institutions, but directly.
Shënime: Ushtria e Gjergj Kastrioti



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