20 Tetor 2024

Who is Olsi Jazexhi?

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Who is Olsi Jazexhi?

A researcher and historian or an agent of Iranian religious fascism in Albania?
A person named Olsi Jazexhi, who claims to be Albanian, has been insulting the people and the opposition of Iran on social media for some time and strongly defending the ruling regime in Iran, which has committed the most crimes in the history of Iran in the name of Islam. He is so nervous for the general uprising of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime that calls the Iranian protestors as thugs and agents of foreign countries.

Is it only Olsi Jazexhi’s passionate defense of the religious dictatorship in Iran that caused him to be called an Iranian spy in Albania? Or there are other documents.
Why did Microsoft include Olsi Jazexhi in its report on the Iranian regime’s cyber attack on Albania? What is Jazexhi relationship with the Iranian regime’s demonization campaign against the opposition of this regime?
Why does Olsi Jazexhi, who calls himself an independent researcher and historian, fanatically supports the dictatorial regime of Iran? And what is his relationship with the agents of the Iranian regime in Albania? What is the basis of Jazexhi support of Iran’s mullahs?

Receiving money from Iran

Olsi Jazexhi has admitted that he receives money from the Iranian regime. In a video he posted on YouTube on August 31, 2020, he says that he receives money during his trips to Iran.

But a former collaborator of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) in Albania, named Hadi Sani Khani, who was in contact with Jazexhi, but now has separated from MOIS and is disclosing the activities of the mercenaries of the Iranian regime in Albania. In an open letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, he says the head of their network in Albanian named Hassan Heyrani told him privately: “Gjergji Thanasi and Olsi Jazexhi receive more than 1,000 euros from the regime every month, and many times I put this money in an envelope and delivered it to them at their home.”

Education in extremist and terrorist institute in Iran.
Olsi Jazexhi admits in his blog that in 2009 he attended training courses at Al-Mustafa Religious University in Qom in Iran.

Al-Mustafa University is widely known as a means of indoctrinating extremist religious ideas to foreigners and recruiting candidates for the regime’s terrorist and military activities outside of Iran, including direct participation in Iran’s wars in the Middle East. On December 18, 2019, the US Treasury Department added this terrorist organization of the Iranian regime, known as “Al-Mustafa International University”, to the list of secondary sanctions; Global Terrorists Special SDGT and Financial Sanctions Regulations related to Quds Force of Khamenei’s Revolutionary Guards. When the U.S. Treasury blacklisted Jamia Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya on December 8, 2020, the only person who immediately reacted in Albania to the designation was Olsi Jazexhi, who attacked the U.S. State Department via his Twitter account. did He defended this terrorist entity as the Shiite Vatican, which was clearly a great insult to the Vatican and the Catholic Church.

Participating in Iran’s spy recruitment sessions

Artur Zheji, a well-known Albanian journalist, director of the program 360 degrees, presented a photo of Olsi Jazexhi in a meeting in Iran that the American FBI said was organized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to recruit spies. This exposure shocked Olsi Jazexhi.





The IRGC-affiliated Fars News Agency has released the photo of Olsi Jazexhi at the New Horizon conference in Iran. New Horizon is affiliated with the IRGC’s Qods Force and was blacklisted by the US Treasury Department in February 2019 due to its destructive activities. The Treasury Department announced that the New Horizons conference is a cover for recruiting foreign spies, including a US Air Force officer named Monica Witt. She was recruited during the conference by the Iranian intelligence agents and is now collaborating with the Iranian intelligence services. The FBI has been tracking and prosecuting the American nationals attending the conference.

Implicated in the Iranian regime’s cyber-attack on Albania
In its report dated September 8, 2022, Microsoft implicated Olsi Jazexhi, Gjergji Thanasi and the network of the Iranian regime’s agent in Albania called ASILA in the Iranian regime’s cyber-attack on Albania.

In his joint open letter with Gjergji Thanasi, Olsi Jazexhi writes to Microsoft: “By mentioning our names, you allude that we, Olsi Jazexhi and Gjergji Thanasi, are part of the operation to amplify the message of the hackers (which you claim are Iranian). This claim is criminal and unacceptable.”
He continues to shamelessly threaten Microsoft with a lawsuit in court and writes: “We condemn with contempt the criminal allegations that you have made against us, and we will pursue our case in court if the need arises!”
Olsi Jazexhi published this letter on his blog.

However, judging someone who admits to receiving money from the Iranian regime, has attended terrorist institutes directly affiliated with the Iranian regime, secretly participates in spy recruitment meetings for the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Quds Force of the Iranian regime, and worst of all, amplifies propaganda by the Homeland Justice website against Iran’s opposition and against Albania in favor of the hackers of the enemy, is very clear.

Microsoft’s report states: Before and after the Homeland Justice messaging campaign was launched, social media persona accounts and a group of real-life Iranian and Albanian nationals known for their pro-Iran, anti-MEK views, promoted the campaign’s general talking points and amplified the leaks published by the Homeland Justice accounts online. The parallel promotion of the Homeland Justice campaign and its central themes by these entities in the online space—before and after the cyberattack—suggests a broad-based information operation aimed at amplifying the impact of the attack.” … In the wake of the cyberattack, on July 23, Thanasi and Olsi Jazexhi, another Albanian national who frequently appears on Iran’s state-sponsored media outlet PressTV espousing anti-MEK positions, penned a second open letter addressed to then-Albanian President Ilir Meta, also published on Nejat Society’s website. This letter echoed Homeland Justice’s central claim—namely that Albania’s continuing to host the MEK constituted a danger to the Albanian people. Jazexhi and Thanasi called on Meta to convene Albania’s National Security Council to “consider whether Albania has entered into a cyber and military conflict with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

MOIS, Thanasi and Jazexhi echo each other

The Microsoft report also implicated the role of a person named Ibrahim Khodabandeh. The regime of Iran introduces this person as the head of Nejat Society, which is one of the branches of the MOIS. Before the cyber attack and after that, by writing threatening letters to the Albanian authorities and inviting a number of known local MOIS mercenaries to Iran and the subsequent propaganda, Ibrahim Khodabande directly helped the campaign of the “Homeland Justice” website launched by the Iranian regime.

From April 2022, Ibrahim Khodabande on the Nejat website, Olsi Jazexhi and Gjergji Thanasi on their social media accounts intensified their lies and vilifications against the MEK and the Albanian government, echoed each other. From July onwards, “Homeland Justice” website was launched and joined them.
One of their latest concerted actions is the publication of a joint letter full of disinformation and lies by Jazexhi and Thanasi to Microsoft on September 9, which was widely covered by the website of Nejat Society in Iran. Jazexhi has also tweeted a reflection of his falsehood and accusations on the MOIS website called Nejat.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh, a partner of Jazexhi, is a self-proclaimed “former member of the Mujahideen” who was handed over by the Syrian government to MOIS in Iran in June 2003 and has been working with torturers in Tehran since then.
A Report Prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress for the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office’s Irregular Warfare Support Program in the Pentagon explains how Ibrahim Khodabandeh was recruited by the MOIS. This report can be accessed on the website of the very prestigious organization “Federation of American Scientists”.

Former agent of MOIS on Jazexhi

In February 2021 in a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Hadi Sani Khani, who was a MOIS colaborator in Albania for 4 years and worked closely with Thanasi and Jazexhi against the Mojahedin, writes:
“I became acquainted with several of the local agents of the regime during the time I worked with the regime’s embassy and MOIS. Olsi Jazexhi, 42, who has studied public relations in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, was one of them. Under the guise of a journalist and columnist, he has worked for the Iranian regime for many years. When I was leading the network of agents, Olsi Jazexhi was in regular contact with me. He had his own website, Gazeta Impakt, and was the first outlet to publish interviews with Abdi and Bidi in September 2017.”…In February 2018, Masoud Khodabandeh asked me to propose and prepare appropriate candidates for interviews with Albania’s Top Channel TV network. I later found out that the interviews were facilitated and arranged by Olsi Jazexhi beforehand through a female journalist. Khodabandeh would connect all the journalists he would send to Albania from abroad with Jazexhi, and thus advanced the MOIS plans through him.
Khodabandeh’s contacts with Olsi Jazexhi became more frequent after the expulsion of the regime’s ambassador from Albania. Olsi Jazexhi regularly met agents in Frank café shop owned by Hassan Heyrani, and conducted interviews with them there. His wife also worked as a lawyer for the agents.”

Taking part in the suppression of MEK families in Iran

One of the heinous actions of the Iranian regime is to threaten and suppress the families of the MEK members inside Iran to interview for insulting the MEK and their family members who are in Albania and Ashraf. Olsi Jazexhi participates online in many of these interviews, which are like interrogations of the families. According to the families, at the same time, a person from MOIS is also present on the other side of the line next to the families to make sure the regime’s desired words are raised. Olsi Jazexhi then upload these interviews on his YouTube account.

On June 23, 2020, in an open letter, 22 victims of the Iranian regime, who are living in Ashraf 3 in Albania, complained about the pressure of the Iranian regime with the cooperation of Olsi Jazexhi on their families, and asked the ministers of justice and the interior of Albania to investigate criminal conduct of Jazexhi.

A part of this letter states: “Recently, an Albanian-language website called Gazeta Impakt, which preaches the Iranian religious fascism regime, constantly republishes the sadistic allegations of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) websites by naming us and the PMOI / MEK. It is widely believed that Gazeta Impakt is operated by a man in Albania named Olsi Jazexhi and his wife, Migena Balla. Olsi Jazexhi was taken to Iran in last February as a journalist and researcher, but for the latest training on demonization campaign against the PMOI /MEK…. “We call on the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Interior in Albania to investigate the illicit actions of Olsi Jazexhi and Gjergji Thanasi in favor of religious persecution in Iran and their contribution in the suppression of our families and the advancement of terrorism against Iranian refugees in Albania.”

Activities to prepare ground for the murder of opponents

The MEK members, who came to Albania from Iraq, have a very clear practical experience in Iraq that before every large-scale and violent terrorist attack by the Iranian regime against them, this regime organized intensive demonization and misinformation programs against the MEK. Most of these activities were carried out in Iraq by Masoud Khodabandeh and his wife, Anne Singleton. There is considerable evidence that this couple was involved in planning the assassination and massacre of MEK members in Iraq. After the transfer of MEK from Iraq to Europe and Albania, this couple carried out the same mission of demonization and socio-political preparation of terrorist attacks in Albania and France with the help of Olsi Jazexhi.

In Albania: According to the reports of the security authorities in Albania, the Iranian regime planned to bomb the Iranian New Year ceremony, Nowruz 2018, where MEK officials were present along with Albanian and American officials. After the discovery of this operation and the notification of the Albanian police, diplomats and the Iranian ambassador were expelled from Albania.

But to lay the groundwork for this operation, the Iranian regime sent Ann Singleton to Albania a few months earlier in November 2017 for a series of actions. Together with Olsi Jazexhi, she organized a conference against MEK at Doro Hotel in Tirana. In this program, Gjergji Thanasi was an active participant along with some other agents. Singleton then bought several programs on Albanian-language internet television to spread her demonization more widely.

In addition, Olsi Jazexhi, with the help of Migena Balla, his wife, arranged video interviews with Singleton and some other known mercenaries of the Iranian regime at the same time and posted them on YouTube. All these activities were to keep the atmosphere of Albania tense against the MEK until March 2018, when the MEK meeting was supposed to be bombed. To complete the mission, the month, after, the Iranian regime published a fake report against the MEK in the name of the head of the Albanian police, accusing them of mistreating its own members and threatening “former members” who were in Tirana. Olsi Jazexhi played a leading role in all these intense demonization activities that started from November 2017 in Albania until March 2018, when the plan to bomb the MEK event failed, and two terrorists sent from Iran were arrested and deported in back to Iran.


In France: The Iranian regime planned to bomb the MEK 100,000 strong annual meeting of on July 1, 2018, and kill a large number of participants in the meeting, including Mrs. Rajavi, the elected president of the Iranian resistance. But with the arrest of the terrorists and the diplomat of the Iranian regime who had delivered the bomb to the terrorists on the same day of the program, the plan failed. Otherwise, one would have seen hundreds of deaths. As usual, the Iranian regime prepared for this attack months ago in Europe by using the Khodabandeh couple and its network to demonize the MEK. One of its actions was to organize a meeting in a rented room in the European Parliament building in Brussels. The MOIS also sent Olsi Jazexhi to Brussels to participate in this program. Now Jazexhi not only does not deny participating in this program but also counts it as one of his honors. According to the news website “EuReporter”, which was also covered in the Albanian press, 32 members of the European Parliament wrote a letter to the Speaker of the Parliament:

“we were shocked to learn of a meeting to be held on 10 April in the European Parliament titled ‘Mojahedin-E Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania’ with the attendance of several well-known agents and lobbyists of the regime. The news of this meeting has been publicized in several websites affiliated to the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), … “One of the speakers is a British national named Anne Singleton (Khodabandeh), who according to a report by US Library of Congress has been recruited by MOIS with the sole objective to demonize the MEK. Back in 2011, Singleton made several trips to Iraq to spread misinformation against the Iranian opposition refugees which was used by the Iranian regime to justify its orchestrated violent attacks in Iraq which led to the deaths of many defenseless refugees in Camps Ashraf and Liberty…. “She has previously been denied entry to United States as well as denied holding similar events in the British Parliament…“We deeply regret that this meeting with such speakers is taking place in our parliament and strongly condemn the Iranian regime’s misinformation campaign against the Iranian democratic opposition.”

Whitewashing terrorism of the Iranian regime

When two terrorists of the Iranian regime came to Albania in March 2018 under the guise of reporters for a terrorist opration and the explosion of the Nowruz ceremony of the MEK, which was attended by Albanian and international personalities, Olsi Jazexhi widely propagated in favor of the Iranian regime that they were not involved in terrorist activities but were journalists who were invited to Albania by Baba Mondi, the leader of the Bektashi Muslims. He described the news of the arrest of the two terrorists as fake news produced by the MEK in coordination with the US government.
He even tried to pretend that Bektashi community is on his side, but in an interview with Albanian TV News 24, Baba Mondi expressed his satisfaction with the timely arrest of these terrorists and said: “God honored us that nothing happened.” They were arrested on time.”
Olsi Jazexhi also tried to make the conference of the police chief of Albania on October 1, 2019 and the disclosure of the Iranian regime’s terrorist plots against the MEK in Albania as fake news and claimed that the statement of the police chief was prepared in advance and did not belong to Albania.

Supporting the repression of the Iranian people:
Navid Afkari, Iran’s national athlete, was executed by the regime despite international condemnations for participating in anti-government demonstrations. In addition to the American government and most of the European governments and widespread protests inside Iran, many world championship athletes, 5 reporters of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 18 Nobel Prize winners, European governments such as Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc. Hundreds of international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, condemned the killing of the national hero of the Iranian people. But in his tweet, Olsi Jazexhi called Navid Afkari a murderous tug along with the Iranian regime and insulting millions of people who supported the right to freedom of expression and assembly in Iran.

In the uprising of the Iranian people in September and October 2022, Jazexhi strongly defends the Iranian regime and the oppression of the people in his tweets and Facebook posts.

Jazexhi in Albanian public opinion
One of the famous journalists of Albania, through an open letter, asked the press to refrain from giving time to Olsi Jazexhi because of insulting the symbols and honors of Albania, including Skanderbeg.

On September 30, 2022, the Albanian anti-discrimination commissioner announced some charges against Olsi Jazexhi for insults and using obscene words in the TV show against other participants. Many viewers asked Top Channel TV not to allow Olsi Jazexhi on its programs.

Source: Facebook-H.Aali




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